Welcome to Linux Mint!

By root   

August 9, 2004

Linux Mint is proud to announce its new GNU/Linux portal: http://www.linuxmint.com

Thanks to a collection of great open-source tools and a good Internet hosting service, we will provide news, articles, reviews, and resources related to GNU/Linux.  We hope you will appreciate the content published on this website. You can rate and comment any articles and news items, and we rely on your feedback to continuously make things better. Of course, if you want to submit an article on linuxmint.com, contact us, and we'll be glad to publish it. 

In the forum, you'll be able to ask questions and solve problems you may have with your GNU/Linux installation. You can also discuss or give news about any project related to GNU/Linux.

As Linux distributions got prettier and prettier, we provided a gallery which shows the screenshots from the latest distributions. At the moment, the gallery uses Flash, and you'll need a Flash plugin to be able to use it. We believe this solution was the best to implement the gallery, however, since Flash is not completely "free", if this causes problems we will consider using another solution. Please give us your feedback on that in the forum.

A glossary was also made available, and we hope you'll participate in populating it.

 We will also try to gather your thoughts about which distribution and desktop you like the most, in order to publish a "monthly distribution popularity contest" chart.

Finally, if there is a demand for it, we will consider providing @linuxmint.com email accounts. If you're interested in this, do not hesitate to tell us in the forum. 

Welcome to Linux Mint!  We hope you'll enjoy the "Original Antarctic Flavor" we're trying to give to this website.

Have fun :)

Copyright 2004 http://linuxmint.com/