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The EB66+, like all of the Alpha Evaluation Boards built by Digital contains the Evaluation Board Debug Monitor and so this is available to load Milo (Section ref id="dbm-section" name="Loading from the Debug Monitor"). Quite often (although not always) boards whose design is derived from these include the Debug Monitor also. Usually, these boards include the Windows NT ARC firmware (Section ref id="arc-section" name="booting from Windows NT ARC firmware"). A flash management utility, runnable from Milo is available so that once Milo is running, it can be blown into flash (Section ref id="milo-fmu-section" name="running the flash management utility"). This system supports Milo environment variables.

These systems have several boot images in flash controlled by jumpers. The two jumper banks are J18 and J16 and are located at the bottom of the board in the middle (if the Alpha chip is at the top). You select between the boot options (and Milo when it is been put into flash) using a combination of jumpers and a boot option which is saved in the NVRAM of the TOY clock.

Jumper 7-8 of J18 in means boot the image described by the boot option. Jumper 7-8 of J18 out means boot the Evaluation Board Debug Monitor.

Blowing an image into flash via the Evaluation Board Debug Monitor is exactly the same proceedure as for the AlphaPC64 (Section ref id="pc64-section" name="AlphaPC64").

Red Hat Software