File Manager

XFTree is a very simple file manager, which provides a graphical user interface to most common file operations. XFTree supports drag and drop to itself, other GTK+ applications and, of course, the XFce panel.

Figure 5-1. XFTree

Starting xftree will use the user's home directory as the default root if no directory is given as argument.

For XFTree a number of default shortcuts and mouse bindings are defined.

Table 5-1. XFTree default mouse bindings

Mouse buttonClickAction
RightSinglepopup a context menu (which depends on selected items)
LeftSingleSelect an item; [SHIFT] allow selection of multiple items and [CTRL] will add/remove items to the selection
Middle Convenient for drag and drop since the selection will not be changed.
LeftDouble ClickStart the selected item or if the item is a regular file, start the registered application. If the selected item is a directory, expand or collapse the entry.
LeftDouble Click + Alt keyThe same as above, but start application in a terminal or if a directory is selected change the root of the tree to that directory.
Left or MiddleDrag and dropBy default, drag and drop moves the items. If [Ctrl] is pressed during drag, items are copied instead. Pressing [CTRL+SHIFT] during drag and drop will link the destination to the source (symbolic link). Drag and drop of URL is allowed, e.g. from mozilla as long as CURL is available. The corresponding file will be downloaded

Table 5-2. XFTree default keyboard shortcuts

Alt-A Select all items of the selected directory
Alt-Shift-A Unselect all
Ctrl-A Open the about dialog
Alt-D Duplicate the marked file
Alt-Shift-D Hide/show hidden files (dotfiles)
Alt-E Empty the trash directory
Alt-F Find files in the current directory
Alt-G Go to selected directory or ask if no directory is selected
Alt-D Go to home directory
Alt-I Properties of selected item
Alt-J Define a default application for a file name suffix
Alt-K create a new file
Alt-N create a new directory
Alt-Q Quit the program
Alt-R Rename selected file or directory
Alt-T Open trash directory in new window
Alt-U Go up one directory
Alt-W Close current window
Alt-X Delete selected items