Appearance of other application

With the Style command it is possible to set some properties for applications. The general form of the command is:

Style "Pattern" option1 [,option2 [,...]]

"Pattern" is matched to the name of an application (the name that will be shown in the title bar). For example:

Style "xeyes" Sticky, NoBorder
Style "Moz*" Icon "/usr/share/xfce/icons/NetscapeLogo.xpm"

The available options for the Style command are :

Table 15-1. Options for the style command

Authorize_TranslateSome applications ask for a specific location. This should be honored unless you're using Xinerama and the application that asks for a positionning is not Xinerama aware and asks for an arbitrary location. For this kind of application you can use the flag "Authorize_Translate" that tells xfwm to translate the coordinates to the current screen even if the application asked for a specific location
BorderWidth <n>Set borderwidth
CirculateSkipIconSkip iconified application when switching focus
CirculateSkipSkip application when switching focus
CirculateHitIconDon't skip iconified application when switching focus
Icon <f>Set the icon to use for an application
Layer <n>Set layer to start application in. Layer can be between 0 and 12.
NoBorderDon't show border
NoIconDon't show icon
NoTitleDon't show title bar
StickyIconShow icon on all workspaces
StartIconicStart application iconified
StaysOnBottomKeep application below all other applications. This is the same as setting the layer to 0.
StaysOnTopKeep application above all other applications. This is the same as setting the layer to 12.
StickyShow window on all workspaces
StartsOnDesk <n>Starts application on specified desk
TitleChange the title of the application
WindowListSkipDon't show application in window list
WindowListHitShow application in window list