Window management


(*) denotes parameters overridden by XFce at start-up.

Table 11-1. Appearance of windows

AnimateWin {On | Off}Enable or disable a window animationAnimateWin On
AutoRaise {Yes | No} (*)Enable or disable autoraise of windows (when FocusMode is set to FollowsMouse)Autoraise No
AutoRaiseDelay <t>Define time in milliseconds before automatically raising a windowAutoRaiseDelay 100
ClickRaise {Yes | No} (*)Enables / Disables using mouseclick to raise a window in focus follows mouse modeClickRaise Yes
ClickTime <ct>Specifies the maximum delay (in milliseconds) between a button press and a button releaseClickTime 150
ColormapFocus {FollowsFocus | FollowsMouse}Colormap is assigned to the window that has the focus (default) or the window where mouse pointer is overColormapFocus FollowsMouse
FocusMode {Click | ClickToFocus | Mouse | FollowsMouse} (*) Defines focus mode (Click and ClickToFocus are the same, and so are Mouse and FollowsMouse)FocusMode Mouse
ForceFocus {Yes | No}In focus follow mouse, may the focus be changed even if mouse pointer didn't move (You should keep this to Yes unless you're running Corel Word Perfect 2000)ForceFocus Yes
IconGrid <n>Define the grid used for icon placementIconGrid 20
Iconpos {Left | Right | Top | Bottom} (*)Defines the position of the iconsIconPos Bottom
IconSpacing <n>Spacing between the iconsIconSpacing 5
MapFocus {Yes | No}In focus follow mouse mode, may newly mapped windows recieve the focusMapFocus Yes
Margin {Left | Right | Top | Bottom} <n>Set margin on specified side of the screen that will be free from new windows or maximized windows. With this function you can make sure that a panel or icons will always be visibleMargin Bottom 50
OpaqueMove {On | Off} (*)Enable or disable showing contents of a window while movingOpaqueMove Off
OpaqueResize {On | Off} (*)Enable or disable showing contents of a window while resizing OpaqueResize Off
SessionManagement {On | Off}Enable/Disable builtin session managementSessionManagement On
SnapSize <n> (*)Sets the size (in pixels) for windows snapping. Setting a size larger than five also enables dragging a window to another desktop accross the edge of the screen.SnapSize 5
WaitSession <t>Set time to wait in seconds before starting session management (to speed up starting applications at start-up)Waitsession 5
XORValue <n>Changes the value with which bits are XOR'ed when doing rubber-band window resizingXORValue 65535