Nautilus Status Update


Got the following update from the Nautilus team. They actually
encourage you to try to compile it, if you have what it takes. :-)
Here's the update:

  Nautilus is the Gnome 2.0 Graphical Shell and File Manager. Anyone
  interested in finding out more, or joining in development should check
  out the #nautilus channel on There will also be a
  mailing list for discussion soon.

  Nautilus is being designed with an architecture that makes heavy use
  of the Bonobo component model, with Bonobo controls for even the basic
  file manager views. For an overview of the architecture, see
  docs/architecture.txt in the nautilus module on gnome-cvs.

  Compiling Nautilus yourself can be slightly hairy; you will need to
  build several modules from the HEAD in CVS and install them in a
  separate prefix to avoid conflicting with your existing GNOME
  install. Further, many of these modules are changing rapidly, and may
  not work or even compile together properly on any given day. But if
  you'd like to give it a try, look at `HACKING' in the nautilus module
  for instructions.

  Here are some of the new Nautilus features implemented since the last

  * Items and backgrounds have right-click menus in the list and icon
    views; the only working options available so far are Zoom in, Zoom
    out and Select all.

  * The icon view can show images as their own icons. Scaling to
    thumbnails is still in progress, but icon-sized images already work

  * The list view can also show images as their own mini-icons:

  * The icon view now supports zooming. Icons can be viewed at a wide
    dynamic range of sizes, and the font size changes with zoom level as
    well. The current zooming support is only a rough cut. The icons are
    not scaled properly, and positioning inside the window when zooming
    does not work very well. Right now you can only zoom from the
    right-click menu; in time there will be zoom controls on the
    toolbar, using Bonobo menu/toobar merging support. Also, eventually
    more information about a file will be shown at higher zoom

  * The list view also supports zooming; right now it just scales the
    icons, but in the future it may also change the font size. Many of
    the same caveats apply as with the icon view.

  * The bookmarks menu and editor window now show icons: